Frequnetly Asked Question

Wait, what is this??

The SF BAYTORS is a Men’s casual nudity & masturbation community headquartered in San Francisco, California. We provide space for men to masturbate freely and openly together and develop primal bonds with other men. Our organization was designed on a foundation that supports Health, Community, and Freedom for Men in Northern California and beyond. We organize in-person, clothing-free meetups for men in the Bay Area, designed to let guys show off our cocks proudly and jack off together in safe company.

Is the SF BAYTORS a sex club??

No. We want to provide a safe space for men to free themselves from the shackles of clothing and enjoy masturbating together. Historically, men have been programmed to be ashamed of masturbation, and to reserve ejaculation for intercourse with a partner. Our community celebrates masturbation as a form of self-love and self-care. Men have engaged in platonic masturbation with one another for thousands of years, the SF BAYTORS intends to keep this tradition alive.

We are a sex-positive organization and are happy to point you toward one of the many local sex clubs/events in the area unaffiliated with the SF BAYTORS Community.

What type of events do you all do together?

The SF BAYTORS hosts a number of events designed to help build a community around the freedom of nudity and the joy of masturbation. In addition to traditional group masturbation sessions, we hosted hikes, yoga classes, movie nights, group fitness & wellness, wrestling, and more!

How much does membership cost?

Membership in the SF BAYTORS Community is 100% Free. Some events may have a cover charge intended to pay for venue space or instructors we may partner with, beyond that we try to organize as many free/accessible events as possible.

We do accept donations to help with the planning and organization of future events and maintain our website.